
Aug 02, 2019  Explains how to configure the Windows Time service in Windows Server 2008 R2, in Windows Server 2008, and in Windows Server 2003. Provides information about troubleshooting and Windows Time service synchronization. Synchronization How to manage time servers on Windows 10 If your device is showing the wrong time, and it's not a time zone issue, you can try changing the Internet Time settings on Windows 10 to.

Active3 years, 7 months ago

I have a Beaglebone connected to my windows 7 PC via ethernet. I need current time on the embedded board for logging purposes. I used to use battery with an rtc chip to keep time there but I thought that an esier way to do this, since im connected to my pc anyways to download time on startup. I would just use the installed ntp client on beaglebone. The problem is that I have no internet there and it is not neccesary, so I cannot connect to the ntp server on the internet. I can though, connect to a server that would be running on the connected windows 7 PC. I was wondering either anyone could point me out an easy way for configuring an ntp server on a windows 7 machine, i would aprichiate any help.

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2 Answers

On Win7 (NTP server):The following two registry changes are required:


Windows 7 Time Server Setup For Windows 10

Ensure 'Windows Time' service is set to Automatic.

Also, ensure UDP inbound to port 123 is permitted

Paul Roub
33.4k8 gold badges62 silver badges77 bronze badges
Scott P.Scott P.

If time precision is important for you logging purposes and you have a budget so I would like you to take a look at NTS server, it also hosts NTP/SNTP and gives <1ms time sync precision on the LAN while Windows w32time has around 30 secs inaccuracy.

Windows 7 Set Time Server

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Windows 7 Time Server Setup Free


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