The Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper namespace provides the classes and interfaces used to create Control Flow components in the runtime. This assembly is a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA) for the namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime, which is the assembly Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS (in microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll). The classes in this namespace should not be instantiated. Instead, use the classes found in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.
ApplicationClass | Discovers and accesses Package objects. |
ConnectionManagerAdoClass | Provides the connection information to a data source. |
ConnectionManagerAdoNetClass | Represents a connection manager that utilizes .Net provider for the data connection. |
ConnectionManagerCacheClass | Represents a connection manager that utilizes a Cache Transform or a cache file for the data connection. |
ConnectionManagerExcelClass | Represents a connection manager that connects to an Excel workbook file. |
ConnectionManagerFileClass | Represents a connection manager class. |
ConnectionManagerFlatFileClass | Represents a connection manager flat file class. |
ConnectionManagerFtpClass | Represents a connection manager FTP class. |
ConnectionManagerHostClass | Represents a connection manager that connects to a task host. |
ConnectionManagerHttpClass | Represents a connection manager http class. |
ConnectionManagerMultiFileClass | Represents a connection manager multi-file class. |
ConnectionManagerMultiFlatFileClass | Represents a connection manager for accessing multiple flat files. |
ConnectionManagerOdbcClass | Represents a connection manager that connects to a data source using ODBC. |
ConnectionManagerOLAPClass | Represents a connection manager OLAP class. |
ConnectionManagerOleDbClass | Represents a connection manager that connects to a data source using OLE DB provider. |
ConnectionManagerSqlMobileClass | Represents a connection manager sql mobile class. |
EventHandlerClass | A container on a package or other containers that holds executable objects to run when specific events occur. |
ExpressionEvaluatorClass | Provides virtual properties and methods for IDTSExpressionEvaluator100 interface. |
ForEachEnumeratorHostClass | Defines the host class for the ForEachItemEnumeratorClass. This class cannot be inherited. |
ForEachItemEnumeratorClass | Implements an enumerator over the IDTSForEachItem100 collection. |
ForEachLoopClass | Provides a container that defines an iterative workflow in a package using the foreach iteration statement. |
ForLoopClass | Provides a container that defines an iterative workflow in a package, using the for iteration statement. |
FTPClientConnection100Class | Provides properties and methods for an FTP client task. |
HttpClientConnection100Class | Contains properties and methods that enable a package to access a Web server using the HTTP protocol to send or receive files. This class cannot be inherited. |
LogProviderEventLogClass | Represents a class for the LogProviderEventLog interface. |
LogProviderHostClass | Represents a class for the LogProviderHost interface. |
LogProviderSQLProfilerClass | Represents a class for the LogProviderSQLProfiler interface. |
LogProviderSQLServerClass | Represents a class for the LogProviderSQLServer interface. |
LogProviderTextFileClass | Represents a class for the LogProviderTextFile interface. |
LogProviderXMLFileClass | Represents a class for the LogProviderXMLFile interface. |
PackageClass | Represents a class for the Package interface. |
PackageNeutralClass | Represents a class for a neutral package. |
PackageRemote32Class | Represents a class for a remote 32-bit package. |
PackageRemote64Class | Represents a class for a remote 64 bit package. |
ParameterClass | Represents a parameter class. |
PrecedenceConstraintClass | For more information, see PrecedenceConstraint. |
ProjectConnectionsCreatorClass | Represents the project connections creator class. |
ProjectConnectionsCreatorNeutralClass | Represents the project connections creator neutral class. |
PropertiesClass | |
ReplacementTaskClass | Represents a replacement task class. |
SequenceClass | Represents a sequence class. |
TaskCreator32Class | Represents a 32-bit task creator class. |
TaskCreator64Class | Represents a task creator class. |
TaskHostClass | For more information, see TaskHost. |
VariableClass | Represents a variable class. |
VariableCreatorClass | Represents a variable creator class. |
VariableDispenserClass | Represents a variable dispenser class. |
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express is a free, feature-rich editions of SQL Server that is ideal for learning, developing, powering desktop, web & small server applications, and for redistribution by ISVs.
_FILETIME | Specifies the file time for the runtime. |
_LARGE_INTEGER | Specifies the large integer for the runtime wrapper. |
_ULARGE_INTEGER | Provides a 64-bit data type which is accessible as two DWORDs or as a single DWORDLONG. |
DTP_DATA_UNION | Specifies a union data types. |
DTP_DBDATE | Specifies an enumeration of date structure. |
DTP_DBTIME | Specifies a data type time structure. |
DTP_DBTIME2 | Specifies a time structure that consists of hour, minute, second, and fractional seconds. |
DTP_DBTIMESTAMP | A timestamp structure that consists of year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and fractional seconds. The fractional seconds have a maximum scale of 3 digits. |
DTP_DBTIMESTAMP2 | A timestamp structure that consists of year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and fractional seconds. The fractional seconds have a maximum scale of 7 digits. |
DTP_DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET | A timestamp structure that consists of year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and fractional seconds, and has a time zone offset from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) that is used to obtain the local time. The fractional seconds have a maximum scale of 7 digits. |
DTP_FILETIME | Specifies an enumeration of data filetime structure. |
DTP_NUMERIC | Specifies an enumeration of data numeric structure. |
DTP_VARIANT | Specifies the data type of the column. This is a value from the DataType enumeration that determines the type of DTP_VARIANT structure stored in each cell of this column. |
DTS_EVENT_COLUMN_FILTER | For more information, see DTSEventColumnFilter. |
DTS_EXTENSION_MAPPING_INFO | Enumerates the extension mapping information. |
DTS_MANAGED_INFO | Specifies a data managed information structure. |
DTS_MANAGED_PROPERTY | Specifies an enumeration of managed data property. |
DTS_PACKAGE_UPGRADE_OPTIONS | A structure used for specifying options during a package upgrade. |
tagSTATSTG | Specifies the statistical information about an open storage, stream, or byte array object. |
Runtime Namespace The Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime namespace contains the classes and interfaces to create packages, custom tasks, and other package control flow elements. In this article Classes Application: Discovers and accesses Package objects. It can also access collections and properties that contain. The Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper namespace provides the classes and interfaces used to create Control Flow components in the runtime. This assembly is a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA) for the namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime, which is the assembly Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS (in microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll).
Application | For more information, see ApplicationClass. |
ConnectionManagerAdo | For more information, see ConnectionManagerAdoClass. |
ConnectionManagerAdoNet | For more information, see ConnectionManagerAdoNetClass. |
ConnectionManagerCache | For more information, see ConnectionManagerCacheClass. |
ConnectionManagerExcel | For more information, see ConnectionManagerExcelClass. |
ConnectionManagerFile | For more information, see ConnectionManagerFileClass. |
ConnectionManagerFlatFile | For more information, see ConnectionManager. |
ConnectionManagerFtp | For more information, see ConnectionManagerFtpClass. |
ConnectionManagerHost | For more information, see ConnectionManagerHostClass. |
ConnectionManagerHttp | For more information, see ConnectionManagerHttpClass. Jul 27, 2016 Open the Settings app from your Start menu or Start screen, select “System,” and select “Display.” Click or tap and drag the “Adjust brightness level” slider to change the brightness level. If you’re using Windows 7 or 8, and don’t have a Settings app, this option available in the Control Panel. Change computer brightness windows 7. Nov 13, 2018 Here is How You Can Adjust Brightness in Windows 7 & 10. Right click on it and you will have the options to increase or reduce the brightness in windows 7. You also get an exit button, which can only be accessed from its icon located here. Adjust Brightness in Windows 7. Changing Screen Brightness on a Laptop with Windows 7. Step 1 – Select “Start” then “Control Panel”. Step 2 – Open the “Power Options”. Step 3 – On the bottom of it there is a brightness slider. Set it up on desired value. Step 4 – Save settings and exit back to desktop. |
ConnectionManagerMultiFile | For more information, see ConnectionManagerMultiFileClass. |
ConnectionManagerMultiFlatFile | For more information, see ConnectionManagerMultiFlatFileClass. |
ConnectionManagerOdbc | For more information, see ConnectionManagerOdbcClass. |
ConnectionManagerOLAP | For more information, see ConnectionManagerOLAPClass. |
ConnectionManagerOleDb | For more information, see ConnectionManagerOleDbClass. |
ConnectionManagerSqlMobile | For more information, see ConnectionManagerSqlMobileClass. |
EventHandler | For more information, see EventHandlerClass. |
ExpressionEvaluator | For more information, see ExpressionEvaluatorClass. |
ForEachEnumeratorHost | For more information, see ForEachEnumeratorHostClass. |
ForEachItemEnumerator | For more information, see ForEachItemEnumeratorClass. |
ForEachLoop | For more information, see ForEachLoopClass. |
ForLoop | For more information, see ForLoopClass. |
FTPClientConnection100 | For more information, see IDTSFtpClientConnection100. |
HttpClientConnection100 | For more information, see HttpClientConnection100Class. |
IDTSApplication100 | Provides properties and methods that are used to discover and access Package objects. |
IDTSApplication130 | |
IDTSBreakpointManager100 | Provides methods to manage all the breakpoints that are set in on a task. |
IDTSBreakpointSite100 | Defines the interaction between the Integration Services run-time engine and the task for exposing breakpoints and for creating and managing custom breakpoints. |
IDTSBreakpointTarget100 | For more information, see BreakpointTarget. |
IDTSBreakpointTargets100 | Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSBreakpointTarget100 objects. |
IDTSCloneVariableDispenser100 | Represents cloned copy of an original variable dispenser object. |
IDTSComponentEvents100 | Defines an interface that provides methods for event firing. |
IDTSComponentPersist100 | Allows properties and settings for components and tasks to be saved and loaded from the package XML. |
IDTSComponentPersist130 | |
IDTSConfiguration100 | For more information, see Configuration. |
IDTSConfigurationControl100 | Provides a property that controls how a package loads configurations. |
IDTSConfigurations100 | Represents a collection of IDTSConfiguration100 objects. |
IDTSConnectionInfo100 | For more information, see ConnectionInfo. |
IDTSConnectionInfos100 | Contains information about all the connections on the computer. The collection contains IDTSConnectionInfo100 objects that provide the details about each connection. The collection is available using the ApplicationClass class. |
IDTSConnectionManager100 | Provides properties and methods that are used for managing connection to a data source. |
IDTSConnectionManagerCache100 | Provides properties and methods associated with managing connections using a Cache Transform or a cache file for the data connection. |
IDTSConnectionManagerCacheColumn100 | For more information, see ConnectionManager. |
IDTSConnectionManagerCacheColumns100 | Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSConnectionManagerCacheColumn100 objects. |
IDTSConnectionManagerDatabaseParameters100 | For more information, see ConnectionManager. |
IDTSConnectionManagerExcel100 | For more information, see ConnectionManagerExcelClass. |
IDTSConnectionManagerFile100 | For more information, see ConnectionManagerFileClass. |
IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFile100 | This interface is used by the native connection managers. For more information, see ConnectionManagerFlatFileClass and ConnectionManagerMultiFlatFileClass. |
IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 | For more information, see FlatFileColumn. |
IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumns100 | Represents a collection of IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn100 objects. |
IDTSConnectionManagerFtp100 | For more information, see ConnectionManagerFtpClass. |
IDTSConnectionManagerHttp100 | Represents a connection manager for HTTP connection. |
IDTSConnectionManagerInit100 | Provides methods for initializing the properties of a connection manager. |
IDTSConnectionManagerMarshalControl100 | Provides properties and methods to connection manager that supports marshal control. |
IDTSConnectionManagerVariables100 | Provides variables and variable dispenser to connection manager. |
IDTSConnections100 | Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of connection managers. |
IDTSContainer100 | Defines properties and methods used by all containers and packages. |
IDTSDataTapConfiguration100 | Provides methods for working with a data tap configuration. |
IDTSDataTypeInfo100 | For more information, see DataTypeInfo. |
IDTSDataTypeInfos100 | Contains a collection of IDTSDataTypeInfo100 objects. |
IDTSDBProviderInfo100 | For more information, see DBProviderInfo. |
IDTSDBProviderInfos100 | Contains a collection of IDTSDBProviderInfo100 objects. |
IDTSDowngradableObject100 | Represents the interface for the DTS downgradable object. |
IDTSDowngradeSettings100 | Represents the downgrade settings. |
IDTSDumpConfiguration100 | Represents a dump configuration for the DTS. |
IDTSDynamicName100 | Represents the dynamic name for the DTS. |
IDTSEnumReferencedObjects100 | For more information, see EnumReferencedObjects. |
IDTSError100 | For more information, see DtsError. |
IDTSErrors100 | Represents a collection of IDTSError100 objects. Nero startsmart 7 free download. |
IDTSEvaluatorContext100 | Represents the interface for the DTS evaluator context. |
IDTSEventHandler100 | For more information, see EventHandler. |
IDTSEventHandlers100 | Represents a collection of IDTSEventHandler100 objects. |
IDTSEventInfo100 | For more information, see EventInfo. |
IDTSEventInfos100 | Represents a collection of IDTSEventInfo100 objects. |
IDTSEvents100 | Defines methods for the events. |
IDTSEventsProvider100 | For more information, see EventsProvider. |
IDTSExecutable100 | Represents an interface that provides the methods that all objects that are run by the run-time engine are required to inherit and implement. |
IDTSExecutables100 | Represents a collection of IDTSExecutable100 objects. |
IDTSExecutionLocation100 | For more information, see TaskHost. |
IDTSExecutionMetrics100 | For more information, see IDTSExecutionMetrics. |
IDTSExecutionPath100 | For more information, see IDTSExecutionPath. |
IDTSExpression100 | Represents the interface for the expression. |
IDTSExpressionEvaluator100 | Defines the properties and methods for the ExpressionEvaluator object. |
IDTSExtendedProperties100 | Represents a collection of IDTSExtendedProperty100 objects. |
IDTSExtendedProperty100 | For more information, see ExtendedProperty. |
IDTSForEachEnumerator100 | Defines the properties and methods for the ForEachEnumerator. |
IDTSForEachEnumeratorInfo100 | For more information, see ForEachEnumeratorInfo. |
IDTSForEachEnumeratorInfos100 | Represents the interface for the collection of ForEachEnumeratorInfo objects. |
IDTSForEachItem100 | Represents an interface for the ForEachItem object. |
IDTSForEachItemEnumerator100 | Represents an interface of the ForEachItemEnumerator object. |
IDTSForEachItems100 | Represents an interface for the ForEachItems object. |
IDTSForEachItemsProvider100 | For more information, see ForEachItemValueEnumerator. |
IDTSForEachItemValue100 | For more information, see ForEachItemValue. |
IDTSForEachLoop100 | Represents an interface that defines the ForEach loop process. |
IDTSForEachVariableMapping100 | For more information, see ForEachVariableMapping. |
IDTSForEachVariableMappings100 | Represents an interface of the ForEachVariableMappings object. |
IDTSForLoop100 | Represents an interface for the ForLoop process. |
IDTSFtpClientConnection100 | Represents the interface for the FTP Client Connection. |
IDTSHasInternalProperties100 | Represents a DTS internal properties. |
IDTSHttpClientConnection100 | For more information, see HttpClientConnection100Class. |
IDTSInfoEvents100 | Defines an interface that is used to fire informational, warning, and error events. |
IDTSLogEntryInfo100 | For more information, see LogEntryInfo. |
IDTSLogEntryInfos100 | For more information, see LogEntryInfos. |
IDTSLogging100 | Defines the logging options for the container. |
IDTSLoggingOptions100 | Represents an interface of the DTS logging options. |
IDTSLogProvider100 | Implements an interface of a log provider. |
IDTSLogProviderInfo100 | For more information, see LogProviderInfo. |
IDTSLogProviderInfos100 | For more information, see LogProviderInfos. |
IDTSLogProviderInit100 | Represents an initialized log provider. |
IDTSLogProviders100 | Represents an interface of log providers. |
IDTSManagedForEachEnumeratorWrapper100 | Describes the interface for the ForEach enumerator wrapper. |
IDTSManagedHelper100 | Specifies an interface of the managed helper. |
IDTSManagedHelper140 | |
IDTSManagedPropertyHelper100 | Represents a managed property helper. |
IDTSManagedSerializer100 | Describes the interface for the managed serializer. |
IDTSManagedTask100 | For more information, see IDTSManagedTask. |
IDTSManagedWrapper100 | Represents a DTS managed wrapper. |
IDTSManagedXmlSerializationHelper100 | Describes the interface for the XML serialization helper. |
IDTSName100 | For more information, see IDTSName. |
IDTSObjectHost100 | For more information, see TaskHost. |
IDTSObjectReferenceTracker100 | Provides an interface for the analysis regarding the impact and consequences of deleting variables and connections from a package. |
IDTSObjectVersionUpdate100 | Represents an interface for the version update of data transformatioon services object. |
IDTSODBCHandles100 | Defines the native interface for the ODBC connection. A reference to this interface is returned from the AcquireConnection(Object) method when the ConnectionManager is of type ODBC. |
IDTSODBCHandles130 | |
IDTSPackage100 | Represents an interface implemented by the Package and PackageNeutral interfaces. |
IDTSPackageInfo100 | For more information, see PackageInfo. |
IDTSPackageInfos100 | Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSPackageInfo100 objects. |
IDTSPackageInternal100 | Represents an interface implemented by the collection of IDTSPackageInternal100 container that need to have the internal property. |
IDTSPackagePath100 | For more information, see IDTSPackagePath. |
IDTSPackagePersist100 | Defines methods for the persistence of the package. |
IDTSPackagePersist130 | |
IDTSPackageSigning100 | Represents an interface for the package signing. |
IDTSPackageVersionUpdate100 | Defines a method for the update of the package version. |
IDTSPackageVersionUpdate130 | |
IDTSParameter100 | Represents an interface for the abstract base class used by both package parameter and project parameter. |
IDTSParameters100 | Represents a class used by both the package parameters and project parameters collection. |
IDTSPerfRecorder100 | Represents the interface for the performance recorder. |
IDTSPersist100 | Represents an interface that enables IDTSPersist100 saving and loading data. For more information, see IDTSPersist. |
IDTSPersist130 | |
IDTSPipelineComponentInfo100 | For more information, see PipelineComponentInfo. |
IDTSPipelineComponentInfos100 | Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSPipelineComponentInfo100 objects. |
IDTSPrecedenceConstraint100 | For more information, see PrecedenceConstraintClass. |
IDTSPrecedenceConstraints100 | Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSPrecedenceConstraint100 objects. |
IDTSProductLevel100 | For more information, see DTSProductLevel. |
IDTSProject100 | Represents an interface which contains packages and parameters. |
IDTSProjectAccessor100 | Represents an interface for the DTS project assessor. |
IDTSProjectConnectionsCreator100 | Represents a connections creator of a DTS project. |
IDTSProjectPackage100 | Represents a DTS project which contains packages. |
IDTSProperties100 | Contains a collection of IDTSProperty100 objects. |
IDTSProperties130 | |
IDTSPropertiesProvider100 | Defines an interface, inherited by containers, that enables properties to be set by an expression, and allows an enumerable collection of properties to be associated with the container. |
IDTSPropertiesProviderEx100 | Represents the DTS properties provider expressions. |
IDTSProperty100 | Represents an interface for the DtsProperty object. |
IDTSRunningPackage100 | For more information, see RunningPackage. |
IDTSRunningPackages100 | Contains a collection of IDTSRunningPackage100 objects. |
IDTSRuntimeObject100 | This interface is inherited by native classes that are containers, and implemented by all objects in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime namespace. For more information, see DtsObject. |
IDTSSelectedLogProviders100 | Defines an interface for a collection of selected IDTSLogProvider100 objects. |
IDTSSequence100 | For more information, see Sequence. |
IDTSServerExecution100 | Represents an instance of execution in the Integration Services catalog. |
IDTSServerUsageControl100 | Provides properties for controlling DTS server usage. |
IDTSSupportDataTapConfiguration100 | Provides methods for accessing data tap configuration. |
IDTSSupportOffline100 | Provides properties for indicating whether DTS connection supports offline mode. |
IDTSSupportParentExecutionPath100 | Represents the support for the parent execution path. |
IDTSSupportPerfRecorder100 | Represents the interface for the support for the performance recorder. |
IDTSSupportTargetServerVersion130 | |
IDTSSupportVerboseLogging100 | Defines methods for accessing the verbose logging. |
IDTSSuspend100 | For more information, see IDTSSuspend. |
IDTSTask100 | Amazon vendor compliance manual. Defines a property and methods for all the tasks in Integration Services. |
IDTSTaskCreator100 | Represents an interface for the creator of a task. |
IDTSTaskHost100 | For more information, see TaskHostClass. |
IDTSTaskInfo100 | For more information, see TaskInfo. |
IDTSTaskInfos100 | Contains a collection of IDTSTaskInfo100 objects. |
IDTSTaskInit100 | Defines a method for the task to initialize. |
IDTSTelemetry130 | |
IDTSUnsafeVariables100 | Defines methods for all unsafe variables. |
IDTSVariable100 | Represents an interface for the variable on a package, task or container. |
IDTSVariableCreator100 | Represents an interface for the creator of a variable. |
IDTSVariableDispenser100 | Represents a variable dispenser class. For more information, see VariableDispenserClass. |
IDTSVariableLock100 | Defines methods for the lock of variable. |
IDTSVariables100 | Provides properties and methods for working on a collection of IDTSVariable100 objects. |
IDTSWarning100 | For more information, see DtsWarning. |
IDTSWarnings100 | Defines a properties and methods for the collection of warning. |
ISequentialStream | Defines methods for the stream objects in sequence. |
IStream | Provides an interface that supports reading and writing data to stream objects. |
ITaskSupportProject100 | Defines method for the task that supports a project. |
LogProviderEventLog | For more information, see LogProviderEventLogClass. |
LogProviderHost | For more information, see LogProviderHostClass. |
LogProviderSQLProfiler | For more information, see LogProviderSQLProfilerClass. |
LogProviderSQLServer | For more information, see LogProviderSQLServerClass. |
LogProviderTextFile | For more information, see LogProviderTextFileClass. |
LogProviderXMLFile | For more information, see LogProviderXMLFileClass. |
Package | For more information, see PackageClass. |
PackageNeutral | For more information, see PackageNeutralClass. |
PackageRemote32 | Represents an interface for a remote 32-bit package. |
PackageRemote64 | Represents an interface for a remote 64-bit package. |
Parameter | For more information, see ParameterClass. |
PrecedenceConstraint | For more information, see PrecedenceConstraintClass. |
ProjectConnectionsCreator | For more information, see ProjectConnectionsCreatorClass. |
ProjectConnectionsCreatorNeutral | For more information, see ProjectConnectionsCreatorNeutralClass. |
Properties | |
ReplacementTask | For more information, see ReplacementTaskClass. |
Sequence | For more information, see SequenceClass. |
TaskCreator32 | Represents a 32-bit task creator. |
TaskCreator64 | Represents a task creator class. |
TaskHost | For more information, see TaskHostClass. |
Variable | For more information, see VariableClass. |
VariableCreator | Represents the creator of a variable. |
VariableDispenser | For more information, see VariableDispenserClass. |

DataType | Indicates the data type of columns in data flow components and the data flow buffer. |
DTS_MANAGED_INFO_TYPE | An enumeration that specifies the managed data type information. |
DTSBreakpointHitTest | Enumerates the values for the hit count types. |
DTSCheckpointUsage | Specifies values that describe if, or when, a package is restarted. |
DTSConfigurationType | Specifies the ways that a configuration for a package can be saved. |
DTSConnectionManagerScope | For more information, see DTSConnectionManagerScope. Specifies the scope levels of a connection manager. |
DTSEvaluatorContextOption | Specifies the options for the evaluator context. |
DTSEventFilterKind | Describes the kind of event filter that is set on logging. |
DTSExcelVersion | This enumeration maps the Extended Properties from the connection string in an OLEDB provider to the correct version of the Excel connection manager. For more information, see ConnectionManagerExcelClass. |
DTSExecResult | Provides values that describe the result of a task execution. |
DTSExecStatus | Contains values that indicate the current status of task execution or a container object at the time of the call. |
DTSExecutionLocation | Specifies the DTS execution location. |
DTSFileConnectionUsageType | Provides information about how a connection is used by a component client. |
DTSForcedExecResult | Specifies the execution result of a container when the container's ForceExecutionValue is set to true. |
DTSLogEntryFrequency | Provides values that correspond to a log scheme used to assist in log planning. |
DTSLoggingMode | Specifies the logging behavior of the container. The container can turn on logging, disable logging, or specify that the setting to use is the setting found on the parent container. |
DTSObjectHostType | Describes the type of container that is hosting the other task or container. |
DTSObjectReferenceType | Specifies the types of objects that the ObjectReferenceTracker class will provide impact analysis for. This enumeration is used by the EnumReferencedObjects class, which in turn is used by the Package class in its FindReferencedObjects(Object) method. |
DTSPackageInformationFlags | Describes whether a package is a folder or package. It is used for setting a valid value in the Flags property. |
DTSPackageType | Identifies the tool that created the package. |
DTSPipelineComponentType | Classifies pipeline components by category. |
DTSPrecedenceEvalOp | Indicates the evaluation operations that the precedence constraint uses. |
DTSPriorityClass | Describes the priority of a thread in a class. |
DTSProductLevel | Specifies the SQL Server product edition. |
DTSPropertyKind | Contains values that describe the type of property. |
DTSProtectionLevel | Controls the handling of sensitive information in the package. |
DTSProviderSubType | Identifies a specific OLE DB provider. The enumeration value also identifies the data type format used by that provider when the ProviderType is OLE DB. |
DTSProviderType | Describes the kind of provider that is stored. |
DTSServerParameterType | Specifies the DTS server parameter type. |
DTSSignatureStatus | Describes the status of the digital signature. |
DTSTargetServerVersion | |
DTSTransactionOption | Describes transaction supportability and specifies whether a container participates in transactions. |
For information on Primary Interop Assemblies and how the managed classes work with the wrapper classes, see 'COM Wrappers' and 'Exposing .NET Framework Components to COM' in the .NET Framework Developer's Guide in the MSDN Library.
Arvind Shyamsundar, Lee Woods
Reviewed by Jeff Papiez, Mike Weiner, Troy Moen, Suresh Kandoth
It has been a while now since SQL Server 2016 has been generally available. We trust you are excited with the great capabilities that SQL Server 2016 brings to you, and have either already installed or will be installing it soon.
Critical Visual C++ Runtime Update
At this time, we want to remind you of a critical Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 runtime pre-requisite update that may be* required on machines where SQL Server 2016 will be, or has been, installed. Installing this, via either of the two methods described below, will update the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 runtime to avoid a potential stability issue affecting SQL Server 2016 RTM.
* You can determine if an update is required on a machine via one of the two methods below:
- Select View Installed Updates in the Control Panel and check for the existence of either KB3164398 or KB3138367. If either is present, you already have the update installed and no further action is necessary.
- Check if the version of %SystemRoot%system32msvcr120.dll is 12.0.40649.5 or later. If it is, you already have the update installed and no further action is necessary. (To check the file version, open Windows Explorer, locate and then right-click the %SystemRoot%system32msvcr120.dll file, click Properties, and then click the Details tab.)
Microsoft Sql Server Runtime Free
Obtaining the critical update
As described in KB3164398 and in the SQL 2016 Release notes, there are three methods to obtain the fix for the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 runtime if required:
- The quickest and simplest method is to install the update provided by Visual Studio, KB3138367 – Update for Visual C++ 2013 and Visual C++ Redistributable Package. This will mitigate the potential SQL Server 2016 stability issue and negate the need for applying the alternative (and much larger) SQL Server 2016 update described below. Applying KB3138367 can be performed before, or after, SQL Server 2016 has been installed on a machine. KB3138367 is available on the Microsoft Download Center.
- You can alternatively choose to update the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 runtime using an update provided by SQL Server, KB3164398 – Critical update for SQL Server 2016 MSVCRT prerequisites. KB3164398 is available via several channels as described in the KB article.
- The updated Visual C++ 2013 runtime binaries are also included in SQL Server 2016 RTM Cumulative Update #1 (CU1). You can optionally download CU1 rather than KB3164398 and utilize the UPDATESOURCE method described above to receive other valuable product updates also included in CU1 and subsequent CUs.
If you determine the update is required on a machine where SQL Server 2016 will be installed, and select to apply KB3164398 via method 2 above, you have the option to download the update and have it applied as part of the installation without internet connectivity present.
This blog post details the steps to integrate KB3164398 when you install SQL Server 2016 RTM installation on a computer with no access to the Internet (a.k.a. offline install.)
Step 1: Download, but do not execute, the KB3164398 update package

Download the correct file (SQLServer2016-KB3164398-x64.exe) from the Microsoft Download Center link mentioned in the KB article 3164398.
For example, let’s say that you downloaded the SQL installation media to C:tempSQL2016_GDR.
Step 2: Execute SQL Server 2016 RTM setup.exe from the command line and include the /UPDATESOURCE parameter
This step is where we ‘tell’ SQL 2016 RTM setup.exe to incorporate (slipstream) the now accessible KB3164398 update into the desired installation or upgrade without internet connectivity. To do this, we must use the /UPDATESOURCE parameter to RTM setup.exe from an administrative command prompt:
The important thing to note above is the /ACTION parameter. Failure to specify a valid action will cause the /UPDATESOURCE parameter to be ignored. Typical valid values for the /ACTION parameter include the following:
- Install (to install a new standalone instance of SQL Server 2016)
- Upgrade (to upgrade an existing instance to SQL Server 2016)
- InstallFailoverCluster (to install a failover clustered instance of SQL Server 2016)
The documentation page Install SQL Server 2016 from the Command Prompt has more details on these switches. Additionally, Installing Updates from the Command Prompt further details the UPDATESOURCE method of including updates in new installations or upgrades.
If this command line is correct, SQL Server 2016 Setup will detect the KB3164398 update and list it in the ‘Product Updates’ screen as shown below:
In subsequent screens, you will see the ‘Extract Setup files’ step below will have an ‘In Progress’ status. That means that the update package is being extracted and will be installed.
Skipping forward to the last ‘Ready to Install’ screen, you will observe that the ‘Product Update’ section (as highlighted in the below screenshot) has the properties as below.
Step 3: Validate the version of the Visual C++ 2013 runtime loaded by SQL Server 2016
To validate that the correct version of the VC++ runtime has now been installed and loaded, execute the following query using SQL Server Management Studio or SQLCMD:
The version should be 12.0:40649.5. If that checks out, then you are good to go! If it does not, you are most likely missing a reboot. Did you skip that reboot when prompted by setup?
Step 4: Validate the update has been applied
You may also validate successful installation of the update in the new instance by executing:
Given the various options described above, please note the following:
- If you had simply installed KB3138367 (Method 1 described in the ‘Obtaining the critical update’ section), then the version number for SQL Server will remain at 13.0.1601.5.
- If you followed Method 2, the output of SELECT @@VERSION will be as shown below. Notice the RTM-GDR keyword, which tells you that the GDR update has been applied:
Microsoft Sql Server Runtime Edition
- If you followed Method 3 and used CU1, the output of SELECT @@VERSION would return the below. The RTM-CU1 clearly indicates that the SQL engine has been updated to CU1.
Microsoft Sql Server 2017 Standard Edition Runtime
We hope these steps clarify the method of integrating the critical update for Microsoft Visual C++ runtime with SQL Server 2016 setup. In case of any questions, please leave your Comments below!